The Influence of Behavior on our Genetics
From the book The ABC’s of the New physics by Claudia Pacheco.
Behavior can heal not only illness but the genes themselves.
At the beginning of the twentieth century scientists believed that humanity could rid itself of criminals and obsessions simply by changing its genes. Lombroso, an Italian researcher, speculated about the possibility of there being what he called an “innate criminal” (genetically predetermined). One need merely alter our genes and the Earth would become populated by angelic creatures!
Later, with the discovery of DNA and then RNA, a genetic mutation seemed very possible, but in reality this was not the case. The laws of inheritance discovered by Gregor Mendel were optimistic because they revealed that there were dominant genes which would prevail over recessive ones, leading to the gradual perfection of the genes themselves. For example, in the combination of egg and pollen, a round egg or pollen in the pair would always give a round pea; but only the combination of wrinkled pollen and a wrinkled egg could produce a wrinkled pea—and this is why marriage between close relatives is inadvisable.
In 1944 when Avery, McLeod and McCarthy were researching the bacteria that cause pneumonia, they discovered bacteria also had genes. By uniting dead colonies with live ones, the latter would predominate and the disease would be eliminated. Little by little they began to regard the chemistry of the gene as being the key to genetic knowledge: deoxyribonucleic and ribonucleic acid, the former in the nucleus (DNA) and the latter in both the nucleus and the cytoplasm (RNA). What was most remarkable about the work of Watson and Crick was the chemical mechanism of inheritance that they discovered, an enormous leap beyond Mendel’s laws.
Cesar: The first thing to explain is what Keppe is referring to in the first paragraph: the megalomania of the human being shows up very clearly in this thinking that we can manipulate genes in order to create a super race. This thinking originates from Mendel’s suggestion that the characteristics of the being are transferred through the genes, opening up the possibility that genes can be changed. From this idea came Mendel’s thought that he could create new beings this way. It was also later discovered that the DNA can be shaped, transformed, altered or distorted positively or negatively by the RNA; in other words, that we can experience a reverse functioning of the DNA according to external elements.
The theomanic stance of humanity today keeps us from seeing that DNA is a byproduct of energy. When scientists look at the DNA through their microscopes they observe chaos in the genetic material. Only two or three percent of our genetic material is organized; ninety-seven percent doesn’t make protein. Scientists do not know what this ninety-seven percent does or why it’s there in our genetic material, and they want to manipulate this disorganized DNA in order to create super beings. But this disorganized material came to us through inheritance. The bad attitudes of our ancestors have seriously affected our DNA so we can’t capture the total energy that would allow us to organize this material anymore. As the generations pass, our DNA became more and more chaotic because of our ancestors’ (and our) inverted attitudes. And our biggest inverted attitude is that we think we are the creators of our being when we’re not. It’s this attitude that drives our desire to manipulate the DNA.
Claudia: HIV works in the same way. There is no such virus called HIV, but there is a distortion in the functioning of the DNA caused by the RNA. And this RNA, which is controlled by our psychology, creates bad effects, distortions and decay to such a degree that the person develops immunological problems to the point where they can test HIV positive when they take the exam. This positive test is really a matter of the degree of distortion and destruction of the original DNA. We are finding in our research and practice here that we can change the RNA’s effects on the DNA through analysis, since the RNA is controlled by our pathology.
Cesar: DNA and RNA can be compared to our psychological and sensorial life respectively. As we live in an inverted way, the more sensorial we are, the more inverted our energy will be, and so, the more influence our RNA will have upon our DNA. This is what we could call a “retrovirus,” because this is just a material agent (an RNA or DNA fragment) that receives reverse energy and acts against our own immune system.
Animals can be sick due to external adverse factors, but human beings are mostly affected by the way they see the external factors. If they are very neurotic, even good reality means a threat to their delirious fantasies. This behavior of trying to impose their inverted will on reality is an inversion and will force their vital energy to work the other way round, causing their RNA to change according to their deliriums and move in the opposite direction it should. This is what we could call a “self-destructive genetic drug.”
Roberto: This thinking that it’s the chemical compounds of the cells that make up our genetic structure is another example of the inversion in science. Scientists don’t consider the energetic aspect which is what causes this chemical compound of the cells to work the way it does.
Participant: What’s the difference between DNA and RNA? Does the RNA really shape the DNA?
Cesar: The DNA is a spiral inside the nucleus of the cell. When the DNA divides, it migrates to the outer part of the cell. It leaves the nucleus, and then it becomes RNA, a secondary element. We could compare DNA to the proton, to the nucleus, and RNA to the electrons orbiting around the nucleus. The RNA is an orbital element. Watson and Crick, the discoverers of the DNA, believed—in fact, it was dogma until just a few years ago—that the RNA could only come from the DNA. But later studies have shown that the RNA can actually enter the DNA and change it. This is because of our inversion, because of the psychopathology we have.
Participant: Is the RNA more susceptible to internal elements, such as our thoughts and emotions, or are they both originating outside of us?
Cesar: RNA is more like a shield for the cell. It creates the proteins. The direction of the development of the gene is, (as we now know through Keppe’s dis-inversion of Physics), first energy, then the DNA, followed by the RNA and the proteins. This is the correct order of events. If the process moves the other way around, this is evidence of inversion. When the RNA influences the DNA, there’s an inversion, and this will also happen with the free radicals, as we are going to see later in the chapter.
Claudia: RNA should act as a shield or protection only, and work through an interaction between essential energy and the material world of chemical elements, proteins, etc. But Cesar spoke correctly in saying that it is possible for this process to work the other way around; in other words, for our RNA to have a negative influence on our DNA. This would be like garbage entering the DNA through the RNA.
Cesar: Exactly. To further illustrate this point, recent studies have shown that the deformed, distorted DNA shows up in lots of different forms, and one of the most common is called the Z-Form. This Z-Form is also called inverted DNA, and this is what occurs when the RNA infiltrates the DNA and changes the DNA’s spin; in other words, when it causes one of the DNA spirals to spin in the contrary way. Cancer originates from this kind of inverted DNA.
RNA has one spiral and DNA has two, and in the process I’m describing, the RNA enters the nucleus and one of the DNA spirals begins to change its direction of spin. The RNA should not enter the cell; it should be outside the cell, not inside the nucleus. This is evidence of an energetic inversion that causes the DNA to work in a contrary way. Cells based on this inverted DNA, which has one spiral spinning contrary to its true orientation, become cancerous or develop tumors.
Claudia: We can see this phenomenon occurring in our psychological and spiritual lives as well. The true direction our spiritual and psychological energies should take is in the direction of God and His energy. Our psychological orientation, our bodies, society and nature should move in this direction. God should enter the world through our cells and our minds and bodies first, and then move into nature, but because of our inversion and the influence of our envy, we started to orient in the opposite direction and deny the correct flow. We have created things upside down; we block, distort and impede the essential energy of God, which negatively influences the RNA. This causes one or both of our DNA spirals to rotate in the opposite direction.
Participant: I’ve just realized that one of my students made a very interesting comment recently that relates to this. He was talking about doing things, and he was commenting that he always gives more value to the things that people create out of their own efforts than the things that come naturally to people. We were talking about soccer, and he was saying that he didn’t like Brazilian soccer so much (he’s Brazilian by the way) because the Brazilians make it look too easy. He said that there was no effort there.
He preferred the Argentineans (and he’s the first Brazilian I’ve ever heard who’s ever admitted to preferring the Argentineans over the Brazilians in soccer) because they looked like they were working harder. Underneath this I felt he was demonstrating some denial of the essential things that come from God, and placing human effort, human ideas above them. I was trying to help him see this denial; that he doesn’t give value to anything that comes naturally but only to the things that humanity creates out of its effort.
This is the human condition, isn’t it? We deny almost completely those things that come to us from God and His energy.
Claudia: We deny, in fact, the reality that all things come to us from God—including human achievement. We would not even be alive to achieve things, we could not even breathe, if we didn’t receive this energy from God—which, by the way, we receive for nothing. We see everything totally upside down and inverted. Our megalomania causes us to supplant God’s laws with our own. We want to be the creators of reality, not work with the reality that already exists. Your student’s efforts, which he values so highly, are probably working exactly against the nature of life and his accomplishment, which means he’s actually disturbing his accomplishment and blocking and bothering his own success.
Participant: That’s interesting, because he’s a totally nervous and stressed out person. He’s under tremendous pressure from himself and his job to produce, and, from what you’ve just said, he seems to be working against that unconsciously at the same time.
Claudia: As you said, this is not only his problem, but a human problem. I have a quote from Keppe that illustrates this conundrum. It’s from Work and Capital, Keppe’s analysis of the inversion in economics, and we’ve included this at the very beginning of our first teleclass book, Revealing the Power of Consciousness: The human being becomes ill as a result of his anger toward light, toward consciousness. He prefers to live in darkness, far removed from any perception. This is what causes his illnesses and all of the problems that beset humanity. At the same time that his intention is to know, he opposes knowledge entirely—and in the struggle leaves strewn along the way the ruins of a life spent in battling against the truth.
Roberto: I was just thinking about cancer cells. What happens in this disease is that cancer cells get out of sync with their neighboring cells. Metaphysically, this shows us that when we try to do something artificial. This affects the energy of the cells and they stop resonating with essential energy and start to act by themselves. They divide and multiply too much, out of control, and they grow out of sync with the other cells. This shows us that our pathology is affecting our bodies in a negative and dangerous way.
Claudia: Our pathology causes us to create these monstrous cells, which operate like monsters in our bodies.
One of the greatest discoveries of genetics is the inversion that takes place within the cells when they are attacked by a virus, or better when the RNA produces DNA. This is called a retrovirus because of its reverse transcriptase, which forms hosts (artificial elements) that practically become a new “DNA” and due to their unnatural condition, the organism will eventually die. It is as if sickness has gained control of the physical body because it is an artificial element (which cannot exist by itself) thereby causing the original cells to die. How can a fertilized ovule develop into an incredibly complex human being? This question can only be answered if the scientist takes into account the energetic factor Aristotle called the substantial principle (form giving rise to matter and the soul giving rise to the body).
Because human beings are formed by an energetic vibration, both the psychological and the physical are dependent on it, which is why if there is an imbalance in one of them, the other will automatically be affected—and the contrary can also occur, because if one is corrected, the other will be corrected as well. Nevertheless, the most important area (the psychological) exerts a decisive influence over all. This being the case, psychological behavior is key. If RNA can become DNA, then the psychological can even more readily become organic (of a lower vibration). Through the study of genetics it is easy to see that pathology comes from the disturbance that the human being causes in his own life when he changes the essential characteristics of his behavior.
Cesar: RNA is orbital energy, meaning that it’s a consequence of the essential energy, not an original part of it like the DNA is. But this RNA can influence the DNA, which is in the nucleus. Keppe states that psychological states and distortions influence the organic, physical parts of us much more than they do the nucleus; that’s the natural way it should work. So human pathology has an effect on the RNA, not the more essential DNA. However, and here’s the point, because our inversion distorts RNA, when it enters the DNA to make protein it can actually insert itself and begin to take control of the DNA. Our inverted behavior and thinking controls this. Let’s continue and then I’ll have some more comments.
I believe that the problem of free radicals (oxidizing molecules) lies in the energy that permits the rapid oxidation of the organism—and evidently also disturbs the functioning of the atoms within the molecules. Taking melatonin (or other supplements) might help a little, but what is key is the energetic balance of one’s behavior. It seems as if our initial impulse is to contract, so that later one might do something correct. One initially starts with “no” and only then acts correctly. If the individual is suspicious, only through the opposing elements of confidence and love will he be able to get into contact with his adversarial attitude and his general hostility towards those who do good. I believe that when the human race began, the two movements of the genetic helix were entirely positive, which no longer occurs, forcing us to depend upon common sense and reason in order to reach reality.
Cesar: I would like to comment on this phenomenon of free radicals. What are they? They are any kind of molecule with an electron orbiting freely, and, this is important, an orbit that is in a contrary, or opposite direction from the others. If all the other electrons orbit in a clockwise direction, the free radical will orbit counter clockwise. Free radicals work exactly like inverted DNA. Electrons are energies, and a free radical means there’s an energy spinning contrary to the other energies. Free radicals, RNA creating DNA, human pathology—they all have a connection. If we do not correct our behavior, if we do not correct the energetic factors, then we do not correct the free radicals or the RNA, and we can say that diseases and mental sicknesses occur because of this.
Claudia: Is everyone aware that if we did not have free radicals we would have
eternal youth and eternal life? The oxidation of the cells caused by free radicals is responsible for death. Now we see, as Cesar is explaining, that Keppe has made the link between Physics or energetics and human psychology, disease and even death. Keppe’s new physics has connected all of this. Our psychological attitudes of denial, suspicion, pride, envy, opposition to goodness, love and happiness are attitudes that are present in us all the time, and these are the mechanisms responsible for inverting the functioning of our DNA and causing the oxidation of our cells, etc.
Participant: Claudia, are you saying that our pathology creates free radicals? Claudia: Absolutely. Directly. Free radicals are energies—specifically they’re distortions in the energetic functioning of the cell. The cell membrane should protect the cell from external garbage and attacks, but when we are stressed, mostly with emotional things, the electricity of the membrane is changed. It becomes weakened and it doesn’t protect like it did before. It doesn’t repel what’s not supposed to come in, so the bacteria, viruses, invading microbes, etc. manage to enter.
Roberto: The cells produce anti-oxidation elements but it seems there is an imbalance in the relationship between oxidation and anti-oxidation. This shows that the imbalance we have is causing an imbalance in the cells.
Cesar: I think there is a relationship between these free radicals and the RNA that has been inverted by our psychopathology. Free radicals attract undesirable molecules and atoms that destroy the tissues of the body. We do the same thing when we are unbalanced; we attract people who interfere in our lives. When we are more balanced and saner, we attract people who don’t bother or disturb us. When we are pathological, we suffer interference from evil beings and people who want to disturb our lives even more than we do. Being pathological makes us very fragile and vulnerable to any kind of attack coming from outside. This also explains this phenomenon: when we have a bad attitude, we are also more prone to eating food or ingesting other things that are not good for us, and we become very vulnerable to all types of viruses or bacteria. These things occur because we have become very fragile to external attacks, and the attitude underlying this is the same as the phenomenon of free radicals. Both situations reveal inverted energy.
Physiology must be studied in conjunction with Physics in order to stop considering it from the stagnant point of view we have had up until now. After all, the body is a working organism, which disintegrates when it stops moving. The greatest problem in genetics comes from scientists’ ignorance of man’s energetic and psychological nature. Charles Darwin understood natural selection to a limited degree (and not in its broader sense) believing that small adaptations were mutations in the species. It is in Physics that the material and the spiritual meet, even if scientists refer to this as energy.
I can say that a correct law is a natural law, and it is not only external but especially internal, or better, related to thought. This is why Aristotle perceived that the comprehension of truth causes great satisfaction and an erroneous idea causes displeasure. Goodness reveals sickness, because it is through goodness that an individual can perceive his infirmity. If a person persists in doing evil he will never know health or the mistake itself, for only reality in itself can lead a person to perceive the fantasies he elaborates about what cannot exist, but this possibility can occur if one is supported by the goodness that sustains all things.
Cesar: Pathology also reduces our field of perception, doesn’t it? When we are overcome by our pathology we always think we are right. But when we start to have consciousness of our problems, our consciousness enlarges and then we have much better perception of our mistakes. This is fantastic.
Roberto: When we watch the development of a human embryo, we see that at the beginning the cells are totally alike; there is no difference between them. They are all like stem cells. But as they grow, they become influenced by the already existent fields of energy which give them the instructions they need to begin to form the distinct parts and organs of the body. This is a way of seeing that our bodies are energetic things. We can see this further when we study the stem cell phenomenon. When they transplant stem cells into an organ, they begin to divide as cells of that organ because they have entered that organ’s field of energy. This is important to see because anything we do that causes us to block or affect our energy affects our entire body.
Claudia: This is a vital concept for us to understand in this book. Do you see that the invisible, energetic, even transcendental elements are much more important and stronger than the material, sensory, visible elements? The invisible, energetic elements are the most powerful things in our lives—even to the point where they create physical reactions and phenomena. Can you see that these are the things that shape our physical worlds?
Keppe’s disinversion of Physics can give us a whole new view of reality. And now, let me take this line of thought a little further: if the spiritual, transcendental, energetic life is much more powerful and has much more impact than the physical one, don’t you think we show how inverted we are as a species when we pay much more attention to what we eat and what we do physically than to the things of the transcendental world? We are much more afraid of pollution, of processed food, of missing exercise—well these are important, too, of course, but there are much more essential elements for us to pay attention to. And this leads me to the field of spiritual pathology.
We human beings give almost no attention to the fundamental, first causes of everything. This is what humanity doesn’t want to take care of; we don’t want to think about it. However, we are not alone in the universe. We have good and bad beings around us all the time, and they are not benign. They are interacting with us invisibly and they are much more influential than pollution. They are shaping our lives and even entering our bodies. They are helping to create diseases or heal, they are giving us good or bad ideas; all of this depends on our choices and orientation. Humanity is mostly unconscious of this; there have been enormous barriers to the study of these phenomena.
Now imagine if you would, a life where no suspicion towards good feelings existed, where there was no denial or envy against the essential reality that we are and that makes up the universe. This is almost impossible to conceive but try to do this. This would mean all human beings just saying yes to and accepting and receiving love, beauty, truth, the influence of good angels, good spirits and primarily God. This is how we should be living. It’s what we had at the beginning of time, and, revealingly, it’s impossible to have at the moment, isn’t it? But close your eyes and imagine yourself just saying, “Yes.” Yes to goodness, happiness, truth, love. Maybe as you do this you can feel your opposition to this world. Some of you will find it impossible to even imagine such a thing; you won’t be able to concentrate on it at all. But if we want to go to heaven one day we have to say “yes” like this. Pathology is the denial of goodness, truth and beauty and that’s what we do all the time. We want to deny, but we don’t want to get hurt, sick, have pain, suffer. We want to keep denying without the consequences of this denial. All of this human opposition totally characterizes our life here on this planet, and that’s why it’s so difficult to relate to each other. We start dialoguing with someone and immediately an opposition begins to form: who knows more, who’s smarter, who’s going to win? Isn’t this a far cry from our true position in the universe?